Service Alert: During the 2024 Lummi ferry drydock from May 18, 2024 – June15, 2024, the following service schedule will be in effect for garbage and recycling collection on Lummi Island.
- Garbage service will occur May 20th and May 27th for customers scheduled those days. No pick-up June 3rd or June 10th. If ferry service resumes June 16th, garbage service will resume Monday, June 17th. If the ferry return to service is delayed, there may not be garbage pick-up until June 24th, and you may place the equivalent missed garbage out next to your Toter on your next scheduled day – ie, 60-gal service = two 30-gal bags, 90-gal = three 30-gal bags.
2. No recycling pick-up Monday, May 27th or June 10th.
If the ferry resumes as expected, place extra recycling out Monday, June 24th in open cardboard boxes or plastic tubs no larger than your SSC curbside bins. NO plastic bags of recyclables will be collected.
NO drop-off of ANY material at Lummi Island Fire Hall.
For questions or more information, contact us at

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