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Open to Whatcom County residents for household garbage disposal and recycling.
Bellingham, WA
At the Bellingham Drop Box Facility & Recycling Center we accept solid waste (general household trash) and a variety of common recyclables. Please check in at office for a free estimate.

Accepted Garbage
- Household Garbage (Bag and seal all trash)
- Computer Hard Drives

Not Accepted Garbage
- Asbestos: Contact Northwest Clean Air Agency.
- Ashes (Hot): Let cool completely then place in a bag and seal.
- CFL/Fluorescent Lighting: Contact Whatcom County Disposal of Toxics.
- Chemicals: Contact Whatcom County Disposal of Toxics.
- Dead Animals: Contact the Whatcom Humane Society.
- Explosives (inc. ammunition): Contact the Washington State Patrol in Bellingham at (360) 676-2007
- Gasoline: Contact Whatcom County Disposal of Toxics.
- Hazardous, toxic, radioactive, or dangerous waste: Contact Disposal of Toxics
- Paint (Liquid): Contact Paint Care
- Pesticides, etc.: Contact Whatcom County Disposal of Toxics.
- Propane Tanks: Recycle empty propane tanks (max. BBQ size) or contact Whatcom County Disposal of Toxics. Includes backpacking/camp stove fuel canisters, lanterns, and torches.

Accepted Recycling
- Appliances: Non-compressor appliances are charged at recycling rate. Appliance with compressors (refrigerator, freezer, air conditioner, etc.) are charged recycling rate plus a surcharge for legally required environmental handling.
- Batteries (Vehicle, Boat, SLA): No cracked or leaking batteries
- Bottles, Cans, and Plastic Containers: Rinsed and clean items only. All colors and numbers accepted. All caps, lids, and rings accepted.
- Cardboard: Remove packing materials. Flatten.
- Lead Foil and Fish Weights: Flatten foil.
- Paper (Scrap Paper, Newspaper): Clean materials only.
Plastic Film (bags, wrap, etc.)
- Scrap Metal: Clean materials only
Shredding (paper products only)
- Yardwaste: Yard debris only. Grass clippings, garden trimmings, leaves, brush/branches (max. 7″ (inches) diameter).

Not Accepted Recycling
- Ceramics
- Light Bulbs
- License Plates (certain types)
- Mirrors
- Rocks or sod
- Wax-coated Boxes
- Window Glass
- Windshields
Frequently Asked Garbage & Recycling Questions
Answers to commonly-asked disposal questions.
What are rates at Drop Box Facility & Recycling Centers?
Contact us for rates or call (360) 734-3490.
How do I prepare bottles, cans, and plastic containers for recycling?
Rinsed and clean items only. All colors and numbers accepted. All caps, lids, and rings accepted.
Remove metal handles from buckets.
Flatten aluminum foil and plastic bottles.
How do I prepare garbage for disposal?
Bag and seal all trash.
What batteries can I dispose of?
No cracked or leaking batteries.
Vehicle and Boat (Lead Acid). Leave battery caps on.
Rechargeable batteries are not accepted. Contact Disposal of Toxics.
Recycle alkaline and carbon-zinc (household) batteries at a retailer or dispose of as garbage.
How do I dispose of CFL/fluorescent lighting?
Contact Whatcom County Disposal of Toxics.

Curbside Services
Lighten the load and let SSC do the hauling. Sign up for garbage, recycling, or Foodplus! Yardwaste curbside service online, by email:, or phone: (360) 734-3490. We look forward to serving you!