SSC provides you with garbage and recycling collection service. You pay us to collect these materials. On your bill, you will see:
- Actual cost of collecting your garbage
- Actual cost of collecting your recyclables
- The value (less any processing charges) of recyclables sold (shown as a commodity credit or commodity debit)
Recyclables are sold and the value we receive (if any) from the sale of these materials is applied to your bill in the form of a commodity credit or debit. The commodity credit or commodity debit that appears on your bill reflects market conditions of the previous year. The commodity credit or commodity debit is reviewed and adjusted by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC). The UTC reviews and approves our rates (except for residents in the cities of Bellingham and Ferndale) to ensure you are paying a fair price for the service you receive and fair value for your recyclables.
Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) Information
Request a free UTC Consumer Guide: Residential Garbage and Recycling. It identifies your rights and responsibilities as a solid waste collection customer. Email or visit
A copy of the UTC’s consumer guide is also available at our 1001 Roeder Ave, Bellingham, WA office, plus copies of the UTC’s solid waste rules, our current tariff, certificate to operate, and service map. All solid waste and recycling services we offer are listed on this website.